Lorenzo Puglisi Italy, b. 1971
Lorenzo PuglisiCrucifixion, 2018Oil on panel22 x 22 cm
8.7 x 8.7 in
Lorenzo PuglisiMatteo e l'Angelo, 2018Oil on panel100 x 65 cm
39.4 x 25.9 in -
Lorenzo PuglisiOn the Mount of Olives, 2018Oil on panel22 x 22 cm
8.7 x 8.7 in
Lorenzo PuglisiRitratto 271018, 2018Oil on wood56 x 45 x 8 cm
22.05 x 17.72 x 3.15 in -
Lorenzo PuglisiSaint John, 2018Oil on panel22 x 22 cm
8.7 x 8.7 in
Lorenzo PuglisiLa Misericordia II (The Mercy II), 2017Oil on canvas52 x 49 x 9 cm
20.47 x 19.29 x 3.54 in
More artworks available, please contact info@criscontinicontemporary.com
“For me even the light, in the darkness, represents something that starts to shyly appear out of nothingness. That nothingness is my personal condition.”
Lorenzo Puglisi’s paintings are the result of a pictorial research based on a strong interest in human nature and therefore in the mystery of existence urged by the obsessive attempt to portray it. Since 2015 his large canvases present references to art history and are related to masterpieces of the past filtered by his personal iconographic repertoire.
He is the author of a pictorial research characterized by the widespread use of black to create a background of absolute darkness: from here streams of light define volumes, faces, parts of the body, like presences captured in an expression or gesture. The artist is on a path towards the essentiality of representation and full of references to the history of painting. In recent years his artistic research has focused on large canvases referring to works of the past and filtered by his iconography.
Numerous are the solo and group exhibitions in public and private spaces in Italy and abroad that have Lorenzo as protagonist, including the MUDEC in Milan, the CAC La Traverse in Paris, Il Pio Monte della Misericordia in Naples, the Kulhaus in Berlin, the Riso Museum in Palermo, the Crypt Gallery of the Church of King's Cross St. Pancras in London, Villa Bardini in Florence, The Historical Museum in Bremen, the Bramante Sacristy at the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Norman Foster's Moore House in London.
In 2022 the work Portrait 270418 (Self-Portrait) enters the collections of the Uffizi Galleries, a partnership that comes to the end of the Self-reflection exhibition, organized in the summer of 2021 in Riga by the Art Museum Riga Bourse together with the Uffizi Galleries, thanks to the will of the Director Eike D. Schhimidt and Guicciardo Sassoli de' Bianchi Strozzi.
In June 2019 Puglisi’s monography, curated by Hatje Cantz (Berlin), was published in Italian, English and German, with a special essay by Mark Gisbourne.
Sparks of a Black Fire
Lorenzo Puglisi 5 Mar - 4 Jun 2020ArtMoorHouse in collaboration with Cris Contini Contemporary is proud to present: Sparks of a Black Fire an exhibition of painting by LORENZO PUGLISI. The exhibition - in Lorenzo Puglisi's own words - is a natural prosecution of ’Shades of Shadow’, the show which was held during Freeze Art Week 2019 at The Crypt gallery in King’s Cross, London. London Exhibition Contemporary Art Mayfair, London, UK.Read more -
Shades from the Shadow
Lorenzo Puglisi 1 - 7 Oct 2019Shades from the Shadow 1 - 7 October 2019 at The Crypt Gallery Cris Contini Contemporary is pleased to present the new exhibition Shades from the Shadow by Lorenzo Puglisi...Read more
Self-reflections. Omar Galiani and Lorenzo Puglisi. Tintoretto.
Lorenzo Puglisi 20 Aug - 14 Nov 2021From 20 August to 14 November 2021 , the exhibition Self-reflections. Omar Galiani and Lorenzo Puglisi. Tintoretto. will be held at the Art Museum RIGA...Read more -
ArtVerona Digital 2020
4 - 14 Dec 2020This year Art Verona inaugurates its new digital format ART VERONA DIGITAL 2020. Do not miss Cris Contini Contemporary's selection, until 14th December.Read more -
Lorenzo Puglisi | Davanti a Michelangelo Crocifissione, umanità, mistero.
Santo Spirito Basilic, Florence 19 Sep - 1 Nov 2020Lorenzo Puglisi | Davanti a Michelangelo Crocifissione, umanità, mistero. 20 Sept - 1 Nov 2020, Santo Spirito Basilic, Florence, Italy. The exhibition will display Puglisi's painting depicting the Crucifixion next to the famous wooden Crucifix, an early work by Michelangelo Buonarroti, in the Sacristy of the Florentine Basilica. La mostra propone l’esposizione del dipinto di Puglisi raffigurante la Crocifissione a fianco del famoso Crocifisso ligneo, opera giovanile di Michelangelo Buonarroti, nella Sagrestia della Basilica fiorentina.Read more -
Looking for Monna Lisa
Mysteries and ironies around the most famous pop icon 24 Nov 2019 - 29 Mar 2020LOOKING FOR MONNA LISA The city of Pavia hosts the exhibition 'Looking for Mona Lisa. Mysteries and ironies around the most famous Pop icon '...Read more -
Contemporary art for marginalised people
Christie's charity auction in support of women victims of violence organised by Alliance for African Assistance Italy 11 - 16 Jul 2019Contemporary art for the marginalized is the charity auction organised by Alliance for African Assistance Italy (AAA Italy), in collaboration with Christie's, Il Cigno Edizioni and Cris Contini Contemporary Gallery, in support of women who were victims of violence. in Roma at San Salvatore in Lauro Museums on the 16th July 2019. ENDLESS will be presenting a live painting performanceduring the auction infusing classic Roman imagery with his own iconic works in a piece he has titled ‘Roman Chapel’.Read more -
Pitture di Luce e di Tenebra
Lorenzo Puglisi 5 - 28 Jul 2019PITTURE DI LUCE E DI TENEBRA cutared by Valerio Dehò The Paintings of Light and Darkness exhibition at Biffi Arte Gallery displays a corpus of...Read more -
The Great Sacrifice
Lorenzo Puglisi 3 Apr 2018 - 28 Apr 2019The Great Sacrifice by Lorenzo Puglisi at Basilica di Santa Maria delle Grazie, Sacrestia del Bramante in Milan from the 3rd to the 28th April 2019. On the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, Lorenzo Puglisi pays his own personal homage to the Florentine genius with a monumental, original painting called Il Grande Sacrificio (The Great Sacrifice), an artwork created for the exhibit curated by Giovanni Gazzaneo. - Contini Contemporary Art GalleryRead more