For the second year running, Alliance for African Assistance Italy (AAA Italy), in collaboration with Christie's, Il Cigno Edizioni and from this year also with Cris Contini Contemporary Gallery, has created the project "Contemporary art for the marginalized", whose proceeds will be donated to "Cibus - The chefs of tomorrow". The aim of the project is to provide qualified training as an assistant chef to 30 women who have survived acts of violence and are temporarily accommodated in family homes, reception centres and religious congregations.
The exhibition will be open to the public from 11th to 16th July, Monday to Friday, from 10.30 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 18.30. Admission is free.
The auction will be held on Tuesday, July 16th starting at 18:30 at the Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro (Piazza San Salvatore in Lauro, 15 Rome). The catalogue will be produced by Il Cigno GG Edizioni.
During the evening the London street artist ENDLESS will create an extemporaneous painting infusing the classic Roman imagery with his own iconic works in a piece he has titled ‘Roman Chapel’. The piece itself will then enter the auction at the end of the night and hopefully raise significant funds for the worthy cause.
The artworks that will be auctioned are by Michelangelo Antonioni, Matteo Basilé, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Alberto Biasi, Paolo Bielli, Alex Caminiti, Antonio Corpora, Ettore de Conciliis, Valentina De Martini, Agostino De Romanis, Piero Dorazio, Endless, Tano Festa, Sidival Fila, Massimiliano Galliani, Michelangelo Galliani, Evelina Grigoryeva, Piero Guccione, Hans Hartung, Irene Kung, Danilo Mainardi, Matta, Igor Mitoraj, Isabella Monari, Luciana Moroni, Thomas Mustaki, Gioni David Parra, Bruno Pellegrino, Achille Perilli, Lorenzo Puglisi, Giuseppe Pulvirenti, Alfredo Rapetti, Marika Ricchi, Marco Tamburro, Croce Taravella, Henry Unger, Emilio Vedova, Andy Warhol.
"In Italy, one woman out of three suffers violence which isolates her from the rest of society and considerably limits her education, employment and autonomy - says Walter Lam, general manager of Alliance for African Assistance -. We would like to help people who have survived and are now trying to rebuild their lives for themselves and their children. Mono-parent households, representing the feminisation of poverty, are also on the rise. The context recalls the need for concrete and targeted paths in the workplace, which are essential for women to achieve economic and housing independence. The catering sector is the driving sector of the Italian agro-food chain and since the beginning of the crisis (Catering Report of FIPE 2017) employment has grown by 17%. The aim of the project is to tackle the increase in the number of women in social exclusion by providing them with specialised education in this sector. The best tool to fight the increase in gender-based violence is, in fact, to give education to women and make them economically self-sufficient."
An educated woman, aware of the protection of her own person and economically autonomous, is more in control of her future and more unlikely to be forced to suffer violence. "The social inclusion of these women is a history of redemption which inspires and instils hope in those who learn about it, especially in other women who have survived violence or human traffic. Lastly, the project will benefit the entire community, contributing to local economic and cultural growth and greater safety for the entire territory".
"The first to show their solidarity in favour of these women - emphasises Lam - are the artists, the major protagonists of contemporary art, who have generously donated their works, but are also the sponsors which have made possible the organisation of the event, whose proceeds will be entirely donated to the project. Through this initiative we expect to raise € 137,125, which will be used for professional training of thirty women who survived abuse"
Founded in the United States in the 1980s, Alliance for African Assistance (AAA) has been working alongside disadvantaged people for 30 years. It has successfully resettled more than 12,700 refugees from around the world and aided victims of torture and war, women in need, children and all those who suffer from economic difficulties.
"This year - concludes Walter Lam - AAA Italy is pleased to collaborate again with Il CignoEdizioni and Christie's, both great experts in the world of art and in the organization of cultural events, as well as regular supporters of noble causes. AAA Italy also thanks the Pio Sodalizio dei Piceni, the foundation owning the building where the event will take place.
Supporting this project is important because, as Kofi Annan said, "women's rights are a responsibility of the whole human race; fighting against all forms of violence towards women is an obligation of humanity; strengthening the power of women means the progress of all mankind".
July 11th at 19.00
at the Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome
from 11th to 16th July, Monday to Friday,
from 10.30 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 18.30.
at the Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro
Auction and Endless live Performance
July 16th starting at 18:30
at the Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro
To donate to the project “Cibus – Gli chef di domani”
1. Bank account in the name of Alliance for African Assistance Italy:
Banca Unicredit Non Profit
Piazza Barberini, 40, 00187 Roma
IBAN: IT 57 A 02008 03284 000104294148
2. 5x1000: Alliance for African Assistance Italy Onlus;
Codice Fiscale 97887050587
(Donations made to Alliance for African Assistance Italy are tax deductible for individuals to the extent of 26% pursuant to art. 15 paragraph 1.1 of the TUIR, while for legal persons donations are deductible up to 10% for a total amount of €70,000.00 per year pursuant to art. 14 paragraph 1 DL n. 35/2005 and subsequent amendments.)
Tel/Fax: 0683959919 - Cellphone: 3486858369;