
Cris Contini Contemporary Gallery is pleased to present a unique digital interactive exhibition by multidisciplinary artist Robodrone, a successful songwriter/producer. Robodrone's new class of social media enabling artworks, reflects, expresses and celebrates the transformative social changes of the ongoing new Cultural Revolution. The "Hashtag Queens throne" is a new artform that invites the visitor to step up onto the throne to create Instaperformance based art that is shared simultaneously with people in the immediate vicinity as well as around the world via selfies and video snaps multicast onto Social Media accounts of friends and others for comment and feedback. Hashtag Queens throne is the first example of where art is not a traditional top-down, vertical but rather a horizontal, interactive and contributive experience.

Robodrone's innovative artwork has already been acknowledged by the largest and most important social media companies in the world. It was on loan to Twitter in 2018 and now to Facebook in 2019. 


Press release

Hashtag Queens: by Robodrone

Cris Contini Contemporary, London: from 14February 2018

Cris Contini Contemporary Gallery is pleased to present a unique digital interactive exhibition by multidisciplinary artist Mr Rebec,/Robodrone, a successful songwriter/producer (distributed by INgrooves via iTunes, Spotify, Amazon).

Mr Rebec,/Robodrone’s new class of social media enabling artworks, has its roots in Music. Robodrone is the creator of tracks such as ‘Download My Heart’ a ‘modernspeak’ lyrics - based and simultaneously reflected, expressed to celebrate the transformative social changes of the ongoing new Cultural Revolution.


Robodrone has also created a novel style comic book ‘Hasthtag Queens Task Force’ that illustrates social responsibility and animal protection via a dynamic trio of young women using martial arts and a flying AI car with the mission to solve out dangerous situations. The comic book was published in a limited hard copy edition as well as in digital editions via Apple and Amazon.


The “Hashtag Queens throne” is a new form of artwork that invites the visitor to step up onto the throne to create new performance based art that is shared simultaneously with people in their immediate vicinity as well as around the world via selfies and video snaps multicast onto Social Media accounts of friends and strangers for comment and feedback. Hashtag Queens throne is the first example of where art is not a traditional top-down, vertical but rather a horizontal, interactive, contributive experience. The facilitation of user generated art reflects and expresses the way Social Media culture works. Digital citizens are encouraged to engage, create and share continuously.


People entering the Art Exhibit are no longer visitors-they are visiting artists instead, who are encouraged and enabled by Robodrone and the Cris Contini Contemporary Gallery to create and share new Instaperformances as works of art. ‘Instaperformance Art’, is made possible by networked multicasting communications technology and Social Media cultural practices and it represents the modern fusion of traditional decades of old ‘installation art’ and ‘performance art’.