Space Figures: Jeff Robb - VIRTUAL EXHIBITION

1 - 30 April 2020

If everyone looking at my work was, even for an instant, transported into a liminal state, a state of in-between-ness, I’d be delighted. Liminality is a special place of temporary disorientation (of one’s sensory threshold).

Jeff Robb

Press release

Cris Contini Contemporary is proud to present Space Figures, a virtual exhibition of lenticular photographs by Jeff Robb.


"I’m continually inspired by the nude female form. It’s something that has, of course been worked on by artists through the ages, but the countless permutations of body/composition, facial expression and light (after you strip away clothing) provide a both a technical challenge and fascinating problem for me to solve. I’m also inspired by the medium in which I work; Lenticular Photography. It’s a complicated, expensive process but it’s one that captures the world and its subjects in a strange, wonderful blend of photography and sculpture.


If everyone looking at my work was, even for an instant, transported into a liminal state, a state of in-between-ness, I’d be delighted. Liminality is a special place of temporary disorientation (of one’s sensory threshold). The medium of lenticular photography is perfect for seeding this condition - it is a 2 dimensional print with 3 dimensional illusory properties, so for a short time the audience’s perception of reality is suspended. This period of suspension is, I believe important for our minds to experience, especially when we, in the Western world, generally live in a spiritual vacuum. We need magical inspiration in our lives and I’d like to share a sense of this in my work."