Art Gate International 2020

16 - 19 April 2020 

 Post-War and Contemporary artworks from North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia are opening for public view in virtual reality on April 16th, 2020. This global art fair includes galleries from around the world who are featuring a range of blue chip artists such as Andy Warhol, Frank Stella, Cindy Sherman, Jozef Peeters, and more. Contemporary artists including Erin Loree and Obdulio Piloto can also be discovered and collected at Art Gate International 2020.

This art fair in VR is a way to keep people connected, inspired, and social. Galleries and collectors can comfortably stay home yet still access the art world and one another through their VR headset. Art Gate International 2020 extends an invitation to participate in a historic global art fair in virtual reality.

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